Latest Casino and Gambling News

World Casino News covers breaking news from around the globe. In this section we cover casino news. This is our main category which contains about 75% of all articles so you may see the same articles also appear in sub-categories or additional sections if more than one subject is prominent in the story.

This is a great section for readers to follow the progress of their favorite up and coming new casinos. We report on new casino proposals as the stories break and keep you in the loop if they hit snags. As the projects move from the drawing table to groundbreaking, and when construction and other milestones are reached, we'll let you know with casino project updates. Look for opening date announcements and coverage of grand openings here as well.

In this section, we also cover expansion projects, new hotel announcements, and casino closures. Look for the occasional cruise ship news here too. This is the section you will want to bookmark to stay abreast of all the Latest Casino and Gambling News, as it happens, anywhere in the world.

Gambling pact could mean an end for dog and horse racing in Florida

Whether Florida’s dog and horse tracks should be permitted to do away with live racing, which once were a draw for an exclusive and sometimes unsavory crowd, is the question that is currently the center of a di...

As VictoryLand bingo casino prepares to open, Alabama Christian leader issues warning

“Illegal gambling is taking over this state,” was the warning issued on Tuesday on behalf of the Christian community by an interdenominational organization that lobbies the Alabama legislature. The Alabama C...