World Casino News covers Macau. The world's richest gambling center generates important news on a daily basis and we give it due coverage. We let you know when the moguls who compete for empire there make a move and we follow their finances through boom times and declines as the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DJIC) reshapes the mecca from strictly a gambling center into a family playground for the world with mandated integrated resort amenities.
We let you know about casino project updates, openings, and closings as well as economy and finance, top brass career changes, and licensing issues to name a few of the topics covered. World Casino News works in harmony with the World Casino Directory so the Macau information you find there is always up to date and accurate. The directory profiles every casino in Macau from the baccarat tables to the hotels and amenities right down to the price range of dining. Our readers can explore the former Portuguese enclave from the comfort of their homes, or plan a trip and book their rooms.
In Macau, the occupancy rate at hotels and guesthouses was up 7.6 percent year-on-year for April, with an average rate of 88.9 percent and more than 1.1 million guests. Included in the figure is an occupancy ra...
Asian casino operator MGM China Holdings Limited welcomed shareholders to its annual general meeting yesterday and the investors reportedly used the occasion to approve a year-end dividend of HK$0.097 ($0.012) ...
Melco Resorts and Entertainment Limited (NASDAQ: MLCO) has announced that its latest hotel development will be opening soon. The $1.1 billion Morpheus hotel tower designed by the late Dame Zaha Hadid will be re...
The Global Gaming Expo Asia, G2E Asia, is set to take place this week, with top online gaming software developer EvenBet Gaming ready to showcase its new growing poker portfolio.
The Venetian Macau will play...
The government of China recently decided to crack down on online poker applications, which has resulted in a series of issues within the poker industry of Macau. To date, two poker rooms have closed and a new t...
Over 15,000 visitors are expected to make footfall at The Venetian Macao from May 15 to 17 when Asia's Global Gaming Expo kicks off for the twelfth year running. This edition will comprise four main tracks: The...
Asian casino firm Melco Resorts and Entertainment Limited has reportedly declared that it will not be using junket operators to attract high-rolling players to its soon-to-open Morpheus hotel tower.
In Macau, Galaxy Entertainment Group Limited has reportedly declared that the third phase of work on its giant Galaxy Macau integrated casino resort could begin opening in stages as soon as next year followed b...
Asian casino giant Galaxy Entertainment Group Limited has released its unaudited financial results for the three months to the end of March showing that it chalked up a 32% increase year-on-year in overall reve...
The Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau has released the casino gross gaming revenues (GGR), for Macau, with April totals seeing an increase year-on-year of 27.6%. The regulator reported that April brough...
In Macau, the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau regulator has reportedly followed the example of its analogous organization in Singapore by approving the new Lucky Six side betting option for baccarat.
The Asian Poker Tour (APT) has reportedly declared that its upcoming APT Macau Championships 2018 will abide by local laws and have no use, association or involvement with crypto-currencies.
According to a r...
Macau casino giant SJM Holdings Limited has announced that 96-year-old Stanley Ho Hung Sun (pictured) will be stepping down as its Chairman and Executive Director following the conclusion of its next annual gen...
In Macau, casino operator Wynn Resorts Limited has reportedly confirmed that its former Chief Executive Officer, Steve Wynn, does not have any ownership in the many valuable works of art displayed at its Wynn P...
Macau’s six casino operators reportedly received petitions on Monday from gaming activist group, Professional for Gaming of New Macau, requesting they either match or improve on a maternity, paternity benefits ...