Tribal Gaming

Mohegan Adds Up To US$142 Million In Extra Financing To Secure Inspire Korea Project Completion

Following Mohegan's report earlier this month that it was working to introduce non-gaming entertainment at the Inspire resort in South Korea by the end of this year and a casino in early 2024, Mohegan Gaming an...
maverick gaming

Maverick Gaming’s Lawsuit Against Washington Tribes Has Been Dismissed

The results of a federal lawsuit against state officials and tribal casinos are known: it has been discarded. Illegitimate monopoly for tribal casinos: State officials have been accused of granting tribal...

Michigan Gaming Control Board Approves 888 Holding as Hannahville Tribe’s Online Platform Provider

VHL Michigan LLC, a vertical of global online casino and sportsbook provider, 888 Holdings, has been approved by The Michigan Gaming Control Board (MGCB) as the new platform provider for the Hannahville Indian ...

Former Tribal Leader Cedric Cromwell Sentenced to Prison

Mashpee Wampanoags, a Native American tribe from Massachusetts, is dealing with some serious issues these days. The Tribe’s former leader, Cedric Cromwell, is sentenced to prison. Bribery, treason, and crime...

Sault Tribe Given Two Weeks To Settle $89M Fine With Investors Of Failed Michigan Casinos

On February 1, a judge in Ingham County in Michigan granted Saul Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians two weeks to plan the details of how the $89 million fine will be solved with two Michigan development firms...

Soloviev Group And Mohegan Cooperation For New York Casino License

On January 31, the Soloviev Group, a Canadian holding company with roots in many business categories and chaired by Stefan Soloviev, announced that it will unite with Mohegan, formerly Mohegan Gaming & Ente...

Pokagon Band Opens 23-story Hotel at Four Winds South Bend on March 1st

The long-expected 23-story hotel tower at Four Winds South Bend will finally be opened to the public, and the opening ceremony will be held on March 1st.  This luxurious hotel will contain 317 rooms, 83 of w...

Online gaming potential for Oklahoma following Chickasaw Nation ruling

Mobile-friendly online gaming may soon be launched in the American state of Oklahoma after the federally-recognized Chickasaw Nation received a green light from the National Indian Gaming Commission. Accordi...