Law enforcement officials in western Canada reportedly arrested an Australian national late last month amid allegations that he was the mastermind behind an operation that had laundered millions of dollars in cash through casinos located on three continents.

According to a report from the Australian Associated Press news service published by the Daily Mail newspaper, officers from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police detained Dan Bui Shun Jin at the River Rock Casino Resort near Vancouver on May 25 following the completion of a surveillance operation conducted in partnership with counterparts in the United States and Australia.

The news service reported that the 55-year-old is suspected of laundering approximately $653.15 million through casinos in his homeland in addition to conducting similar operations at venues in Singapore and Macau. He is also the subject of a United States arrest warrant on fraud charges amid allegations that he had assisted in the illegal laundering of around $1.07 million via gambling establishments in Nevada.

“Dan Bui Shun Jin is alleged to be an international money launderer with current active investigations on money laundering originating from Australia, the United States, Macau and Singapore,” reportedly read a Wednesday statement from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Canadian police reportedly declared that a subsequent search of Jin’s room at the British Columbia casino turned up just over $57,700 in cash as well as documents that linked the high-roller to illegal money laundering activities and a ‘recent money movement scheme through Vancouver International Airport.’ This latter conspiracy involved an unidentified female courier bringing about $19,000 in cash from Las Vegas to Vancouver before delivering the notes to the Australian’s temporary residence.

“The female was directed to pick up bulk cash from an unidentified male in a parking lot in Las Vegas [and] then tasked with delivering that bulk cash to Jin at the River Rock Casino [Resort] in Richmond, British Columbia,” read a statement from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The Australian Associated Press explained that Wednesday saw the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board issue Jin with a deportation order but that he is now likely to remain in detention until being extradited.