Deal Me In

Where’s my refill?

Dear Mark: I just wanted to share a story about your column regarding tipping. We were not at a casino, but my mom and I occasionally go to dinner or lunch. She always offers to pay, and I say I'll get it, so s...

Toilets don’t flush themselves

Dear Mark: It seems everywhere you go in the casino one is expected to tip. You seem to encourage it, stating in a column, "Consider it a contribution to Lady Luck." I would like to think of myself as generous;...

Buyer beware

Dear Mark: I have heard, although not seen, that certain casinos offer different commissions on a 4 and 10 buy bet. Of three casinos near where I live, they all offer a buy bet with a 5% commission. Was I misin...

Doing dice the easy way

Dear Mark: I would like to learn how to play dice. What is the best way? Dave K. Craps with confidence, Dave, commences by reading a decent book on the game. For the dice apprentice, Henry Tamburin’s Craps: ...