G2E, the Global Gaming Expo held in Las Vegas every Fall since 2001 by the American Gaming Association has invited Jeffrey Ma to be a keynote speaker at The Sands Expo and Convention Center on September 29th. Jeffrey Ma was a member of the MIT Blackjack Team of card counters in the mid-1990’s so an appearance like this is likely the only time you will see him welcomed into a Las Vegas casino (no gaming actually occurs in the convention center, and Mr. Ma is not listed in the legendary “Black Book”).

Ma went on from his MIT days to become an expert in business analytics and data and is the author of The House Advantage: Playing the Odds to Win Big In Business, published in 2010. He regularly speaks at conferences and corporate events where he talks about how to use data and analytics to make better business decisions – but Ma is sure to talk a little bit about blackjack as well, considering his audience.

American Gaming Association President and CEO Geoff Freeman will take the podium in the morning to deliver an address the State of Gaming covering subjects such as learning the importance of differentiating legitimate casino gaming from unregulated, illegal gambling; Understanding how perception drives policy – and its impact on the industry, and how to get involved to continue advancing the positive story of gaming.