Online casino games and software developer Microgaming recently received a unique honor after its new Isle of Man headquarters was included in ‘The Ten Coolest Offices of 2017’ list for the United Kingdom compiled by employment search engine

Microgaming stated that its new five-story headquarters, which was christened Sixty Two, opened at the end of July following just over two years of construction and is home to some 120 employees. The facility is connected to the developer’s other local office building via a sky bridge while its top floor features a rooftop garden offering panoramic views of the island that can also be enjoyed by utilizing a periscope located in the reception area.

“We have been enjoying the new building and its facilities for a little over three months now and feedback from staff has been incredibly positive,” read a statement from Roger Raatgever, Chief Executive Officer for Microgaming. “Our presence on the Isle of Man continues to grow with over 120 staff at Sixty Two and nine vacancies currently listed on our website.”

Microgaming declared that its new Sixty Two building offers hot and standing desks as well as break-out areas and work booths on every floor while staff can moreover enjoy a fourth-floor communal area featuring a library as well as a games room offering pool, table tennis, darts and poker.

As if this wasn’t enough, the developer explained that its new headquarters also features a fully-equipped gymnasium and treatment room while staff can refuel in a canteen that offers an exclusive Microgaming blend of coffee.

Microgaming proclaimed that its new Isle of Man headquarters was designed to be as friendly to the environment as possible and recently achieved a BREEAM rating of Excellent.

The list from furthermore included the British offices of such retail giants as Amazon, Costa Coffee and Deliveroo while John Coleman, Chief Financial Officer for Microgaming, proclaimed that it was a ‘fantastic achievement’ for his firm to have been included alongside ‘some of the biggest consumer brands in the United Kingdom’.

“A lot of time and effort went into designing and creating a building that was not only fit for purpose from a business perspective but allows employees to thrive and feel empowered,” read a statement from Coleman. “I am very proud of what we have created.”