World Casino News covers Macau. The world's richest gambling center generates important news on a daily basis and we give it due coverage. We let you know when the moguls who compete for empire there make a move and we follow their finances through boom times and declines as the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DJIC) reshapes the mecca from strictly a gambling center into a family playground for the world with mandated integrated resort amenities.
We let you know about casino project updates, openings, and closings as well as economy and finance, top brass career changes, and licensing issues to name a few of the topics covered. World Casino News works in harmony with the World Casino Directory so the Macau information you find there is always up to date and accurate. The directory profiles every casino in Macau from the baccarat tables to the hotels and amenities right down to the price range of dining. Our readers can explore the former Portuguese enclave from the comfort of their homes, or plan a trip and book their rooms.
In Macau and the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau regulator has reportedly licensed just 46 casino junket firms for 2022 at the same time as officials in neighboring China are continuing their crackdow...
Yesterday reportedly saw the Legislative Assembly of Macau formally approve the first reading of the enclave’s comprehensive draft gaming bill and subsequently send the proposed legislation to a sub-committee f...
COVID-19 continues to rear its ugly head in Macau, this time causing revenues to drop once again. Last week, a huge dip in revenues was seen after border restrictions were tightened after an outbreak of the vir...
Galaxy Entertainment Group Limited has reportedly followed fellow Macau casino operators Melco Resorts and Entertainment Limited and Wynn Macau Limited in publicly announcing that it is no longer working with j...
The government of Macau has reportedly announced that it intends to use a full Monday session of the enclave’s Legislative Assembly in order to formally introduce its draft gaming bill.
According to a report...
As part of its upcoming licensing of six new casino concessionaires and the government of Macau could reportedly soon oblige operators to commit to hitting minimum annual gross gaming revenue targets.
The value of individual shares in some of Macau’s largest casino operators reportedly improved significantly over the weekend on the back of news that the enclave is to maintain its current number of gaming con...
After much debate and speculation, the government of Macau has reportedly announced that it is planning to grant six companies the ability to run casinos under concessions with a ten-year term.
According to ...
American investment bank JPMorgan Chase and Company has reportedly given the coronavirus-hit casino market of Macau a big boost by promoting the value of shares in a trio of its most prominent operators.
The casino hotspot of Macau has reportedly experienced a disappointing start to 2022 although local operators are continuing to chalk up ‘good’ advanced booking figures for the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday...
The government of Macau has reportedly reacted to the threat being posed by the rising prevalence of the Omicron variant of coronavirus by announcing that it will soon institute a two-week ban on all internatio...
Despite suffering through a range of coronavirus-related restrictions and the 41 casinos in Macau reportedly still managed to finish 2021 with aggregated annual gross gaming revenues of slightly over $10.81 bil...
Casino operators have started shutting down junket operations in Macau. Both Melco Resorts and Entertainment Ltd., along with Wynn Macau Ltd. are no longer offering junket services in the SAR. It is expected th...
Up to 30% of junket business in the casino hotspot of Macau may reportedly soon abandon the more traditional high-value VIP segment of the market to be concerned solely with a clientele more interested in premi...
Prominent credit ratings agency Fitch Ratings Incorporated has reportedly assigned a trio of firms behind some of the largest casinos in Macau with a ‘ratings watch negative’ appraisals largely due to ongoing ‘...