World Casino News covers Macau. The world's richest gambling center generates important news on a daily basis and we give it due coverage. We let you know when the moguls who compete for empire there make a move and we follow their finances through boom times and declines as the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DJIC) reshapes the mecca from strictly a gambling center into a family playground for the world with mandated integrated resort amenities.
We let you know about casino project updates, openings, and closings as well as economy and finance, top brass career changes, and licensing issues to name a few of the topics covered. World Casino News works in harmony with the World Casino Directory so the Macau information you find there is always up to date and accurate. The directory profiles every casino in Macau from the baccarat tables to the hotels and amenities right down to the price range of dining. Our readers can explore the former Portuguese enclave from the comfort of their homes, or plan a trip and book their rooms.
Despite recording an almost 80% drop year-on-year in aggregated gross gaming revenues for March and the operators behind the 39 commercial casinos in Macau are reportedly set to be excluded from a coming $1.7 b...
The Wynn Macau Limited subsidiary of American casino operator Wynn Resorts Limited has reportedly drawn some $50 million from a revolving $74 million credit facility in an attempt to counter the ongoing financi...
In Macau and one of the companies behind the luxury The 13 hotel has reportedly applied for a ‘standstill’ order so as to prevent its bank from calling in a loan worth just over $319.9 million and potentially l...
Last month reportedly saw the 39 casinos in Macau record an almost 80% drop year-on-year in aggregated gross gaming revenues to slightly over $658.31 million due in large part to the ongoing impact of the coron...
The Wynn Macau Limited subsidiary of American casino operator Wynn Resorts Limited has reportedly announced that its board has decided not to pay investors a final dividend on its 2019 financial performance.
Macau casino operator MGM China Holdings Limited has reportedly announced that its board has recommended spending just over $40.69 million so as to pay investors a final dividend on its 2019 financial performan...
British casino games and technologies innovator TCSJohnHuxley has penned a strongly-worded message to ask that the upcoming Global Gaming Exhibition (G2E) Asia extravaganza be further postponed or cancelled due...
Ongoing anxieties concerning the global coronavirus pandemic have recently sent stock prices falling around the world while yesterday reportedly saw the value of shares in Macau’s six licensed casino operators ...
International credit ratings firm Moody’s Investors Service Incorporated has reportedly announced that it is currently considering whether to lower its financial assessment for American casino giant Las Vegas S...
The government of Macau has reportedly halved the city’s coming full-year aggregated gross gaming revenues forecast in light of the negative impacts of the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic.
According to a...
The price of shares in Asian casino operator MGM China Holdings Limited reportedly fell to its lowest level in just over four years on Tuesday due to investor anxieties over the ongoing outbreak of a coronaviru...
The first eight days of March reportedly saw the 39 active casinos in Macau post aggregated gross gaming revenues that were 79% lower year-on-year at approximately $174.9 million.
According to a report from ...
In Macau, a leading government official has reportedly detailed that the city has no intention of introducing temporary tax breaks to help local gambling firms recover from the financial impacts of the enclave’...
In Macau and the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau regulator has reportedly sent letters to every one of the city’s six licensed casino operators asking that they temporarily refrain from implementing s...
The Wynn Macau Limited subsidiary of American casino operator Wynn Resorts Limited is reportedly boosting the amount of commission it pays Macau’s many junket operators so as to recover from the downturn in bus...