World Casino News brings you complete coverage of the European gaming markets, openings and closings, regulatory changes, mergers & acquisitions, and finance. You'll find coverage of major industry events and trade shows, as well as casinos for sale from Malta to Riga and beyond.
Much of the news in this section comes out of the UK, due to the mature gambling market and robust licensing requirements there. We also cover partnerships and game distribution deals in the online sector so players will know where to find their favorite games, and industry executives can follow emerging and continuing trends.
The list of approved Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services by the UK Gambling Commission received another entity – The reputable affiliate portal that has been online for several years now ...
World tennis was rocked this week when a player from South America got candid and revealed that match fixing was a common occurrence on the circuit and it wasn’t a secret as both players and the authorities tha...
Working towards modernizing Holland’s land-based and online gaming markets has been a daunting endeavor and a recent change in a proposed tax rate is just the latest roadblock to the country's attempts at gambl...
February 1st, regulators and industry insiders will be sharing their expertise on the ever-evolving online gaming industry at the 6th Annual Regulatory Conference on International Online Gaming to be staged at ...
The European Commission came down hard on six European Union member states back in 2013 for not having done enough to regulate online gambling, with Lithuania being one of the six members.
Lithuania has take...
PokerStars is ready to work on their marketing campaign for BetStars, the new sports betting brand offered by Amaya Gaming. BetStars will be the first foray by Amaya in the sports betting industry, with Crispin...
The government of Russia has been asked by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, to force bookmakers to be sponsors of sporting events when the sportsmen of Russian origin are taking part. The new law should b...
A Cromwell Mint Casino croupier has been arrested for theft after he was caught stealing thousands of pounds’ worth of gaming chips after several months. The croupier used a secret tube in his pocket in order t...
A faulty smartphone app has apparently caused a couple in the U.K. to be denied a $52 million lottery jackpot.
You think you have bad luck? Don’t tell that to Edwina and David Nylan, grandparents in England ...
In spite of several unavoidable delays, Tigre de Cristal Casino opened its doors on October 8, 2015 and is operating smoothly with landmark business in Russia's Far East. The Lawrence Ho creation (son of Maca...
Russia’s largest casino resort Tigre de Cristal features 600 gaming machines and more than 60 casino tables. Among the other products, the Merkur Gaming has supplied the casino with its popular Avantgarde Slant...
Armenia has experienced a strong growth with their online gambling industry, attracting the interest of developers as well as operators in the industry worldwide. The Armenian Gaming Forum took place back in No...
Eden Leisure Group in association with Estonia's Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) has been granted a license by the Malta Gaming Authority for their €12 million Casino Malta. It is the largest of four casinos...
Excitement abounds in the small Spanish beach town of Roquetas de Mar, as lottery players in the town have earned over €600m in cash prizes. The El Gordo lottery is the largest lottery in the world, which gives...
Three individuals from the United Kingdom now face an extended period in jail after scamming the Casino de Monte Carlo at the roulette tables. The gamblers were able to take almost €3.7m from the casino with th...