The old Southport Hospital land is up for sale. The 3.4 hectares of land was abandoned and now Mayor Tom Tate wants the purchaser to use it for a new casino. Queensland‘s Gold Coast Mayor wants the government to build an integrated resort. He cited the current Brisbane resort complex the government is building as the reason for another on the old hospital land. The statement went out April 30, 2015 along with the indication the project would provide Queensland residents with more jobs and another place to try their luck gambling. The light rail would need to be extended for the project as well.
Tuesday, two days prior to Tate’s media statement, State Development Minister Dr. Lynham decided to cancel the process letting ASF China Consortium create a cruise ship terminal and casino at Wavebreak Island. Lynham did not feel Wavebreak Island was suitable regarding engineering and environmental reasons.
Lynham said, “Nothing is off the table.”
Dr. Lynham is willing to look at ways to provide new employment. If there is a site that is less sensitive to environmental and engineering issues then it should be moved on quickly. Tate then suggested the old hospital site which is currently under demolition.