Casino project updates

Slot machine battle could revolve around Gretna Racing, Poarch Creek Indians

A case is currently being considered by the Florida Supreme Court that has the potential to change the gaming landscape of the state, specifically for rural Gadsden County, Gretna Racing and the Poarch Creek In...

Three casino licenses awarded in Upstate New York; Lago, Montreign, Rivers

Monday December 21, 2015 finally saw New York state gambling regulators award three of seven potential full casino licenses for the state. A fourth license is expected to be issued to Tioga Downs later, along w...

After a long battle the Desert Diamond Casino West Valley near Glendale will open Sunday

In just two short days gamblers will be able to test their luck when the southern Arizona tribe, Tohono O'odham Nation, opens the first phase of the Desert Diamond Casino - West Valley at the edge of Glendale, ...

Springfield casino construction plan Ok’d by state gaming panel

On Thursday, MGM Resorts International was given the green light by the Massachusetts Gaming Commission to begin early demolition and construction work on its proposed $950 million MGM Springfield casino. MG...