World Casino News covers breaking news from around the globe. In this section we cover casino news. This is our main category which contains about 75% of all articles so you may see the same articles also appear in sub-categories or additional sections if more than one subject is prominent in the story.
This is a great section for readers to follow the progress of their favorite up and coming new casinos. We report on new casino proposals as the stories break and keep you in the loop if they hit snags. As the projects move from the drawing table to groundbreaking, and when construction and other milestones are reached, we'll let you know with casino project updates. Look for opening date announcements and coverage of grand openings here as well.
In this section, we also cover expansion projects, new hotel announcements, and casino closures. Look for the occasional cruise ship news here too. This is the section you will want to bookmark to stay abreast of all the Latest Casino and Gambling News, as it happens, anywhere in the world.
Atlantic Club Casino NJ to Close January 13
Back in April we predicted two things about online gambling in New Jersey and were (partially) mistaken about one, and correct about the other. The first educated ...
How about winning this fascinating Jackpot of Mega Millions this holiday season? This might be the best gift you will ever receive. This is the largest Jackpot ever in 2013. So what are...
What could be safer than traveling on a hydrofoil? It's like skating over the ocean in a hurry. For years people have been traveling from Hong Kong to the Macau gambling mecca on high speed crafts. In October 2...
Most of the outside world views Las Vegas as the capital of bright lights and night time excitement. Casinos and cabarets, cavorting and chorus lines grab the majority of the consumer’s attention. But there is...
We have all heard of degenerate gamblers in positions of authority who have been compromised when their addiction got out of hand - the nun stealing from the collection plate, the sheriff collecting for a booki...
With the G2E conference coming to Vegas later this year, many gaming fanatics and online casino players are abuzz with talk about all that will be showcased at the event, especially the iGaming section of it al...
First a bit of background that has not appeared in our articles about Lottomatica/Gtech/SpieloG2/Finsoft etc. in either the Peeling the Onion series - where we have documented the history of GTECH - or our Unsa...
We here at the World Casino Directory have been involved in the gambling business one way or another for many years, and offer our experiences and somewhat broad knowledge to our readers in many ways. We are ho...
We love Evolution Gaming and look forward to ShuffleMaster (SHFL Entertainment) being a highly successful company in the online gaming marketplace. With their recently signed deal together we can also expect E...
Please note that the World Casino Directory may or may not agree with any of the following and that this is the opinion of the reviewer only. Therefor if anyone from the game developer to the Gambling Commissio...
It would seem that in 2007 one Joseph Asher sought leave from executives of Cantor Fitzgerald LP, the Wall Street firm behind Cantor Gaming, to establish a business called Brandywine Bookmaking. According to As...,,,,,, and have gone offline as has the Dutch affiliate program, Net Gaming Solutions (Also a pr...
A single winner from Florida hit the Powerball jackpot clearing hundreds of millions of dollars after taxes. The winning numbers were 10-13-14-22-52 with the Powerball of 11. An official of the Iowa Lottery has...
The Powerball Lottery is getting more and more exciting as this is now officially the second largest jackpot prize in U.S. history currently standing at $600,000,000+. If no one hits this jackpot it could roll...
It is now common knowledge that Atlantic City will be entering the online gaming market in as little as 18 months. It can also be assumed that Caesars will have a big hand in that as they own four of the twel...