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Barney Frank, Democrat from Massachusetts, has been a highly vocal opponent of the UIGEA from the time it was being discussed in the legislature. He has been creating proposals and rallying support to overturn ...
The head of the United States House Financial Services Committee, Representative Barney Frank, is the biggest supporter for online gambling legislation in the United States. He has introduced legislation that ...
Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods have launched a joint advertising campaign to position southeastern Connecticut as a worth gambling destination. The tribes that own the casinos are traditional enemies as well as compe...
The British gaming company NetPlay has signed a new television distribution deal with the commercial broadcast company STV Group Plc. The companies will partner to launch the first live interactive television ...
Fernando Chui will officially take over the running of Macau from Edmund Ho on December 20. Since he was the only candidate, it was no surprise when he was elected with 94% of the vote of the 300-member Electio...
Sheldon Adelson, chairman and chief executive of Las Vegas Sands Corp. says the US casino operator needs about $2 billion to complete five separate hotel projects in Macau. These projects were put on hold tem...
Chairman Sheldon Adelson announced that the new Singapore development will be delayed until January or February due to there being difficulties getting the needed construction materials such as sand and steel. ...
Bernie Goldstein, one of the founders of Isle of Capri Casinos and a pioneer in riverboat gambling, passed away from cancer on July 12. Goldstein was known as a consummate businessman in any venture he was invo...
The government has given the Hong Kong Jockey Club permission to have horse races on five more days this year as well as adding fifteen simulcast days to the racing schedule. This decision was made in an attemp...
The North Carolina development has broken ground on the addition of a third hotel tower, part of a $663 million expansion that is scheduled for completion by 2012. The end result of the project will make Harra...
Prior to the year 2000, the Greenbrier Resort located in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, had the prestigious five-star Mobil Travel Guide rating. In May of this year, businessman Jim Justice purchased th...
Before the City of Dreams opened in June, the analysts and other gambling executives were expressing hope that this would mark the turnaround in Macau's fortunes. Several came right out and said that they were...
On Wednesday, July 1, 2009 thousands of Russian gambling halls shut down because of new restrictions that provided for gambling businesses only in four remote regions. The law went into effect at midnight and ...
While Macau stayed ahead of Las Vegas in gambling revenues overall, the industry has been hard hit by a combination of the rough economy and tightened travel restrictions by China this year. With half of the ad...
Subject to approval from the Louisiana Gaming Board, Pinnacle Entertainment Inc's $407 million dollar Sugarcane Bay Casino Resort construction may begin in August or September. In April, the Gaming Board grant...