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Arnold Schwarzenegger, governor of California, recently signed two compacts with the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians and the Wiyot Tribe which will establish their ability to build casinos in a site picked...
The FBI has announced plans to step up their game in the regulation and surveillance of internet gaming. The main idea is to gain the ability to monitor the internet without a warrant. The idea is to ask inter...
Sujono 'Benny' Kusni, the ex-honorary consul of Senegal was in court for allegedly allowing the consulate office to be used as a gambling front, taking almost 70,000 in cash himself in the process. Kusni, 38, a...
At least three gambling companies were happy to hear the news as their stock market shares rose after the announcement. Las Vegas Sands, MGM Mirage and Wynn Resorts watched their share prices climb from 3.4 to ...
Denmark's Minister of Finance, Kristian Jensen, has gone to the airwaves to announce the possible relaxation of Danish internet gambling restrictions. In an interview with a radio station, Jensen stated that th...
After months of pressure from the European Commission, the danish government may be giving in to regulating its current monopolistic system. While it means some changes, one of the most noticeable is that Danes...
Intransa has announced that it has been chosen for the responsibility of housing and managing the digital security system of nine Chilean casinos by Enjoy Group. A producer of simple, scalable external IP stora...
Sandy Marbs of Florissant, Missouri got a pleasant surprise and a hefty profit when she listed a $1 chip from the defunct Showboat Casino in a recent auction. She had kept the chip in her jewelry box as a souve...
A proposal to create a legal zone for gambling in Bintan is still waiting for approval by the Bintan Legislative Council where it's been stuck since September of last year. Proponents say that a casino resort w...
Atlantic City's city council has voted unanimously to ban smoking on casino gaming floors. The rule will take effect October 15th. Smoking lounges can be provided if the casinos choose to build them, but the ...
On April 25, the Las Vegas-based 1st Technology Inc. filed a lawsuit against seven online gambling concerns alleging patent infringement. The suit is being overseen by Simon Passanate PC, a major American law f...
Gambling Industry Feels Pinch of Weak US Economy
April wasn't kind to the US gambling industry this year. As the American economy continues to worsen, it is having an impact on all aspects of the entertainmen...
The 24-carat gold gilding on the windows and the four doormen on duty are the first hints of the opulence of the newest addition to the Trump Hotel Collection. Inside the lobby and other public sections of the ...
Despite a poor United States economy that is causing trepidation and layoffs at the large gambling companies, tribal gambling concerns continue to expand. Not only do the Indian gaming locations benefit the var...
Ma Ying-jeou Pledges to Open Up Gambling Business
It has been announced on (CENS) that the President-elect Ma Ying-Jeou of Taiwan has announced on April 9, that they are pushing for the opening of a gambling...