World Casino News covers breaking news from around the globe. In this section we cover casino news. This is our main category which contains about 75% of all articles so you may see the same articles also appear in sub-categories or additional sections if more than one subject is prominent in the story.
This is a great section for readers to follow the progress of their favorite up and coming new casinos. We report on new casino proposals as the stories break and keep you in the loop if they hit snags. As the projects move from the drawing table to groundbreaking, and when construction and other milestones are reached, we'll let you know with casino project updates. Look for opening date announcements and coverage of grand openings here as well.
In this section, we also cover expansion projects, new hotel announcements, and casino closures. Look for the occasional cruise ship news here too. This is the section you will want to bookmark to stay abreast of all the Latest Casino and Gambling News, as it happens, anywhere in the world.
Sheldon Adelson is attempting to reverse the methods that have typically served the gambling industry when opening new markets. Traditionally, gaming businesses have promised various incentives to new communiti...
A table full of men is avidly watching the dealer and their cards, looking to win big. But something is a bit different here. There's no smoke, the drinks don't have booze in them (plus there are no waitresses ...
Media sources are reporting that Barbados’ moratorium on casino gambling could be coming to an end. The government hopes that allowing casino gambling may slow the erosion of personal income levels. Opposition ...
Poker players and gambling execs are not the only ones unhappy with the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA). At a Congressional hearing on April 2, representatives were heard from banks, ...
An overview of the latest gaming related news in Florida
There has been quite a few recent events in the sunny state of Florida which should be of particular interest to Gamblers everywhere, especially those i...
Crown Casinos makes moves into the United States
Casinos operator Crown Ltd, a giant casino operator says that their Australian casinos are performing strongly and is now continuing to expand in the United Sta...
Las Vegas:In a press release on March 10, MGM Mirage revealed plans to incorporate a $40 million fine art program into the plans for their CityCenter project. Expected to open in the fall of 2009, CityCenter La...
US Government recognises Antigua’s remote gaming regulation is world’s best.
St John’s, Antigua & Barbuda 11th April 2008 (UTC)
Gaming Associates welcome the recent United States (US) Government’s State...
Is Losing Streak Broken for Atlantic City?
Atlantic City finally got a reprieve from their 10-month stretch of declining revenues apparently thanks to it being a leap year. The 1.5% increase over last February...
The Asian Poker Tour is having an eventful year what with its recent purchase by AsianLogic and its announcement of the hiring of Matt Savage as the new tournament director of the first leg of this year's event...
Thailand considers gambling and tourism
The new prime minister of Thailand, Samak Sindaravej, is positioning his country to become a real contender in the international gaming industry. He recently announced p...
We’re not sure what day-jobs the fearsome horsemen had, but today they would have been: Accountant, Lawyer, Bureaucrat and Politician.
All managers, in particular those in the gaming business, who are burden...
I went to Kenya in 1995 a couple of years after leaving Monte Carlo (Loews Casino – but that is another story and perhaps another article!) and at that time there were 4 casinos in Nairobi; The International, t...
Please note this article covers news to the 8th August and for daily updates go to Scarab Asia News page Contact Steve Hand:
From the end of the month of August Asian casino news ...
My Happy time in Suriname started in January 06, I was going out there on a consultancy basis for MAGNUM Industries ltd; I flew out with KLM (not my favourite Airline) and landed in Paramaribo the C...