The Challenge is a reality television series created by NetEnt, a digital gaming solutions leading provider. The TV show is a first of its kind and showcases employees taking on a unique challenge. The series has been quite popular and has given NetEnt interaction across social media and their website, seeing 1.4 million views and an increase in employment applications.
The gaming industry is quite competitive so NetEnt launched the campaign involving Employer Branding in the hopes of cementing their reputation as a quality employer in the tech industry. The campaign has allowed NetEnt reach new levels in regards to recruitment and awareness. The web episodes of The Challenge were created in reality television style and have already been seen over 1 million times since launching in May. Job applications for NetEnt have increased by 86%, with social channel traffic to the website of the company up by a whopping 325%.
The Challenge involved over 900 employees of NetEnt from seven different locations from around the world. A four-member NetEnt team climbed one of the tallest mountains in the European Alps while being supported by their colleagues. The tasks in The Challenge were designed to help strengthen the strong culture of the company and were conducted by staff members.
NetEnt CEO Per Eriksson commented on The Challenge in a recent press release by stating: “NetEnt is always looking to stay one step ahead as we strive to be leaders in the sector and we take an innovative approach to all we do including recruitment and employee engagement. It’s a project we can all be proud of as a company as it highlights how fun but challenging it is to work here every day. It’s good to give prospective candidates an exclusive behind-the-scenes view at what working at NetEnt really looks like.”
Since first launching in 1996, NetEnt has remained a true pioneer in the digital entertainment industry. The company provides quality games powered by a cutting-edge gaming platform and remain committed to helping their customers stay ahead of the competition.