Helping to further disprove the arguments of Sheldon Adelson and his Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling, a new research paper by Dr. Sally Gainsbury sheds light on the relationship between a medical condition called Disordered Gambling and online gambling. In the paper, Dr. Gainsbury was able to conclude that online gambling does not cause problems in and of itself. The CSIG has presented online gambling as a top contributor of gambling issues.

The paper by Dr. Gainsbury was published last month and is titled: Online Gambling Addiction: the Relationship Between Internet Gambling and Disordered Gambling. The Centre for Gambling Education & Research of Australia’s Southern Cross University published the study which consists of research conducted on every aspect of the subject.

Within the study, Dr. Gainsbury was able to determine that problems with gambling seem to begin primarily with “live gambling”  and then problem gamblers move to online venues. Internet gambling does not seem to be a significant reason for disordered gambling but the use of the option is more common among ‘highly involved gamblers’.  Gainsbury found that iGaming can lead to gambling problems, but is not the underlying cause.