In Europe, Belgium is considered to be one of the most tightly regulated in regards to the betting industry. Politicians are currently working to see regulations tighten even further after the Christian Democratic and Flemish party introduced a new measure that would see the minimum gambling age raised from 18 to 21. If passed, the bill would apply the age change to all forms of gambling within the country.

Currently, players have to be at least 18 years of age to be able to take part in the national lottery or sports betting online. Online casinos do have an age requirement of 21 years of age to join. The goal of the CD&V in creating the legislation is to protect young adults and those who may be vulnerable, however, the party has yet to make clear just how raising the age will go about helping those who are at risk.

The CD&V has stated that they want to see the minimum age range raised based on the findings of studies that show one in five 17 to 18-year-old individuals wager online. While there is nothing to suggest that this age group are at a higher risk to develop a gambling problem, the CD&V are undeterred in their efforts to see the age range changed.

This is just one area in which changes might be made in regards to the gambling industry. Justice Minister Koen Geens has been working to see betting-related advertisements banned before 8pm and prohibit such advertisements from being shown during sports events.