
The United States has more casinos than any other country on the planet. There are nearly 300 gambling properties in Las Vegas alone. World Casino News covers the changing casino landscape across the country by highlighting changes in gambling law & legislation, announcing casino proposals, providing project updates as they occur, and reporting on casinos that have been sold or slated for closure along with every other important happening.

While Tribal Gaming has its own section in the news you will find coverage in this section for all 28 states that have compacts with the tribes as well. Las Vegas and Atlantic City get a lot of coverage here but we also keep you informed about casinos in the heartland and along the Gulf Coast. We followed the upstate New York casinos closely from the siting process to grand openings and will continue to provide financial updates as well as breaking news when the next round of licensing gets underway. You'll read it here first when New York City welcomes their first full-scale, non-lottery casino.

Landowners attempt to cork casino’s water supply with 19th-century lawsuit

The edge of wine country in California’s Santa Ynez Valley is the site of the latest water war. A group of landowners there are rolling the dice with an 1897 lawsuit in an attempt to stop an expansion of the Ch...