Every industry and profession has its unsavory characters. While much of the world gambling trade is now regulated, there are still plenty of regions in the dark grey and darker zones. As well, whenever extraordinary amounts of money or opportunity are available in any business, a few bad apples will try to take advantage of it. We cover the important breaking crime news here which can include anything from a compromised regulator to small-time crooks looking to profit off some weakness in security.
In a matter of a few short years, we have shown the spotlight on well over 500 incidences of malfeasance running the gamut from insider trading to casino heists, cheating, hacking, money laundering, illegal bookmaking, data breaches, unlicensed operations, tax evasion, conspiracy, racketeering, bribery, and financial fraud.
We don't cover every single sensational crime, because this isn't clickbait - it's just us doing our part as responsible participants in an industry that should always remain transparent and accountable... an industry so self-conscious about its past that violations are often brought to a regulator's attention by the very actors who have made a mistake.
Police in China reportedly arrested over 75,000 people last year as they busted up more than 3,500 illicit cross-border gambling cases alongside some 2,260 that had involved forbidden iGaming platforms.
Apparently, heavy lifting was involved in the reported theft of over KRW14.5b (US$13.4m) in cash from South Korean casino operator Landing International Development Limited's Jeju Shinhwa World resort casino. T...
In China and the standing committee of the National People’s Congress has reportedly approved new legislation that is to bring in tough penalties for anyone found guilty of facilitating overseas gambling.
The TripAdvisor comparison shopping service is reportedly one of some 105 apps to have just been banned by authorities in China owing to their alleged promotion of ‘illegal services and content including gambli...
In the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the boss for beleaguered casino operator Imperial Pacific International Holdings Limited is reportedly facing the prospect of spending some time in jail a...
A new independent investigation has reportedly found that the past year has seen iGaming firms experience a significant increase in account takeover fraud attempts in addition to elevated rates of payment and p...
In Macau and the past eleven months have reportedly seen local law enforcement officials shut down 97 websites featuring demonstrable links to fraud or illicit gambling activities.
According to a report from...
In the Australian state of New South Wales and the official inquiry looking into the casino license suitability of Crown Resorts Limited has reportedly been told that majority shareholder James Packer should no...
South Korean casino operator Paradise Company Limited has reportedly confirmed that it is one of the many subjects of an official investigation looking into a range of tax-related wrongdoing allegations.
In British Columbia and an official inquiry has reportedly been told how a former local government minister was ‘largely responsible’ for money laundering by organized crime groups being rampant throughout casi...
The Tennis Integrity Unit anti-corruption organization has announced that it has instituted significant bans and fines against tennis-playing brothers Karen and Yuri Khachatryan after the pair were adjudged to ...
British lottery and gaming machines innovator International Game Technology (IGT) has announced that officials in Italy have launched an investigation into alleged misconduct by four employees of its Lottomatic...
In China and proposed federal legislation that would make it a crime for individuals or entities to encourage mainland citizens to gamble overseas reportedly includes a provision that could see guilty parties s...
In China and federal legislators are reportedly considering a number of measures that would bring in stiffer penalties for any firms or individuals found guilty of soliciting citizens into gambling overseas.
Authorities in Lithuania have reportedly published a series of new know-your-customer rules for iGaming firms following the recent emergence of allegations that the small nation’s online gaming industry may hav...