g2e With the G2E conference coming to Vegas later this year, many gaming fanatics and online casino players are abuzz with talk about all that will be showcased at the event, especially the iGaming section of it all. iGaming, or internet/interactive gaming, is probably one of the most important aspects of casino gambling nowadays, and therefore it comes as no surprise that it will be a large and significant part of the G2E conference. The reason all eyes will be focused on this facet in particular, is due to the enormous amount of market shares that it has generated over the recent years, according to statistics from 2012, the UK gambling sector alone was worth £2 billion. This is clearly a serious amount of money, which is why new online casino providers are eager to see how and where iGaming will develop in order to ensure that they can be part of the online action over the upcoming years.

The conference isn’t just about showcasing the very best of the iGaming sector, but it also helps and advises the gaming market on how best to take advantage and get involved with the latest that this type of technology has to offer, not only for them, but for their customers/users as well. G2E is much more than just another digital event, it can also be understood as essential education in how it approaches the industry and how it networks the gaming market with the iGaming landscape. This is especially helpful to newcomers, such as Metro, who, although having had a very successful start to their venture into online casinos and gambling, are eager to keep their success on the up and up, and hopefully overtake some of the older, more familiar online competitors.

In addition to this, it’s also important for online casino providers to start introducing their gambling opportunities onto hand held technology like smartphones and tablets (if they haven’t already). This is because more and more in-play betting is coming from mobile users, and therefore is undoubtedly how more and more users will access their services and get involved with the online gambling scene. The more accessible it is for people to use and get involved with, the more success the iGaming sector will generate in the next few years. This is reinforced by the very fact that over 29 percent of users have gambled online by using their mobile devices.

The G2E conference will be a very important event for all concerned, and is therefore the space to watch when it comes to the future of interactive games and online gambling in general.