A legal brief, opposing the closing of the Seneca Buffalo Creek Casino was filed on November4th. It contained affidavits of support for the casino from three powerful figures in Buffalo.

The casino is built on sovereign land that U.S District Court Judge William Skretny ruled was not eligible to be used for gaming, but Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, along with Erie County Executive Chris Collins and a New York State Bureau of Gaming official Robert Williams see it as a positive feature for the area.

The casino is currently in an interim stage, and opponents wish to see the casino closed and no further work allowed on the permanent structure. However the interim casino already provides valuable revenue for the area, and both through construction and during the running of the permanent casino, it will create a large number of jobs.

What is more, the Seneca Nation who own it plan to not only market the casino, but the features of the surrounding area, so bringing an increase in tourism that will benefit all. Work ceased on the project in July of 2007 when economic uncertainty was growing, and has yet to resume.