World Casino News covers Macau. The world's richest gambling center generates important news on a daily basis and we give it due coverage. We let you know when the moguls who compete for empire there make a move and we follow their finances through boom times and declines as the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DJIC) reshapes the mecca from strictly a gambling center into a family playground for the world with mandated integrated resort amenities.
We let you know about casino project updates, openings, and closings as well as economy and finance, top brass career changes, and licensing issues to name a few of the topics covered. World Casino News works in harmony with the World Casino Directory so the Macau information you find there is always up to date and accurate. The directory profiles every casino in Macau from the baccarat tables to the hotels and amenities right down to the price range of dining. Our readers can explore the former Portuguese enclave from the comfort of their homes, or plan a trip and book their rooms.
On July 14th 2015, Lionel Leong Vai Tac, the Secretary of Economy and Finance in Macau said that in the existing legislation there are no restrictions that stop casinos being built in Coloane, an area that is n...
In the face of continued declines in revenue from junket promoted VIP players and a new focus on mass gaming, Galaxy Macau on the Cotai Strip has opened a new zone for qualified players. The venue, screened off...
The Las Vegas Sands Corp, the biggest gambling company in the world, recently decided to amend its internal policies to allow its employees to have a say in how the company uses its resources for community phil...
Macau’s casino revenues continue to plummet with every passing month causing serious concern to casino’s and shareholders. Sterne Agee CRT reported that casinos had a tough month in June and mass revenue had dr...
Local media are reporting that a proposed smoking ban could effect about half of all junket employee's jobs. There are 3,000 to 5,000 junket employees in Macau servicing over 170 VIP gaming promoters. Mr. Kwok ...
Macau was once a gambling haven as casinos provided gamblers with VIP treatment in order to attract them and keep their business. Smoking wasn’t considered a luxury but a basic right in casinos until Macau deci...
Macau, the biggest gambling hub in the world, is located just an hour away by ferry from Mainland China. Some of the biggest casino brands in the world like the Las Vegas Sands Corp., MGM Resorts International ...
Hotel rooms are in excess in Macau due to the Chinese government crackdown on Junkets. About 80 to 90 percent of booked rooms are made through Junkets. Their dealings with VIP and high rollers helped keep the p...
On June 28th 2015, it was reported that a group of members have accused the Macau Jockey Club bosses of mismanagement, and that the cuts in the budget have created a real problem.
The claims that have been m...
In early January Melco Crown Entertainment Limited announced they would be de-listing their shares from the Hong Kong stock exchange (HKSE). In late March it was announced that shareholders had overwhelmingly a...
MACAU, June 25, 2015 -- Melco Crown Entertainment, owner and operator of casino gaming and entertainment resort facilities in Asia, proudly unveils the epic movie-inspired Golden Reel Ferris wheel as the ic...
On June 26th 2015, it was reported in Hong Kong that an investor for a junket room in Macau has been accused and arrested for the laundering of 1.8 billion Hong Kong Dollars, which is about $232.2 million US do...
Casino tycoon and billionaire Steve Wynn is no stranger to lawsuits or controversy as Wynn Resorts and Steve Wynn have had their fair share of battles over the years. What Wynn is not accustomed to is losing an...
On June 23rd 2015, it was reported that the losing streak of Macau is set to continue. The gambling revenue of Macau could fall in June by as much as 30 to 40% annually to $2 billion according to Cameron McKnig...
The gambling industry in Asia continues to grow at a rapid pace and gambling establishments are not wasting any time in expanding their presence throughout the Asia Pacific region. As many as seventeen casinos ...