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Casino Affiliate Programs (CAP) is a trade group made up of 7,000 online gambling affiliates. They are hosting an annual affiliate marketing conference in the luxurious Shangri-La hotel in Sydney, Australia on ...
When this development was being planned five years ago, town officials and residents weren't all that enthusiastic about the idea. Even the mayor, Michael Montandon, said his “initial reaction was no”. Now that...
The new poker television show ClubWPT launched on Oct. 5. The show features 6 poker amateurs each week from the US and Canada. The players will compete for a chance at cash prizes as well as the chance to becom...
New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez has submitted an act to the US Senate that would definitively classify poker, bridge and mah-jong as a game of skill and set up the framework needed to license and regulate on...
The newly formed Committee to Seek Changes to Discriminatory Law (CSDL) intends to promote a “far-reaching national campaign” in an effort to muster support for an end to laws that allow tourists to gamble ...
PokerStars has announced an expanded schedule for their second season of the LAPT that will begin earlier this year to tie into the highest part of the Latin American tourist season. The first event will be hel...
Casinos Poland began the Mega Jackpot on October 1 and had a very successful first month. The Mega Jackpot is a progressive system that networks slot machines from six casinos to produce larger payouts in s...
After close to a decade of catering to online gamblers, one of the oldest internet gambling sites has ceased operations. The company has been trying for two years to recover from the blow dealt to it when the U...
Our story begins on September 18 when the US state of Kentucky's Governor Steve Beshear ordered an action filed against 141 online gambling operators. The case was officially filed by Secretary of the Justice M...
iMEGA filed a brief on Sept. 29 with the US Court of Appeals in yet another challenge to the UIGEA of 2006 that attempts to block online gambling transactions for US players. The new suit claims that the UIGEA ...
Restrictions on television advertising by bookmakers, casinos and online gambling sites were lifted last year in the UK. After the UK arms of both Yahoo and MSN opened themselves up to UK licensed gambling adve...
The riverboat was built in 1923 and served along the Ohio River for ten years. In 1933, it became a St. Louis passenger steamship and later on, an entertainment vessel. It was reincarnated in 1991 as one of the...
In the middle of this past May, Foxwoods Casino opened their $700 million dollar project, MGM Grand at Foxwoods, with a huge party attended by a number of celebrities. Two weeks later the Mashantucket Pequots w...
After surpassing Las Vegas revenues last year, Macau has reported a loss in gaming revenues for the first time. September revenues were reported to be down 3% over the same month last year. With most of the big...
When the plan was announced to have the final leg of this year's Asian Poker Tour a few months ago, it was meant as a bigger and better version of the event last held in 2006 with more players and a higher priz...