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Century Casinos has been chosen by TUI Cruises to operate all of their casinos onboard their cruiseships through the end of 2012. The new cruiseline will launch it's first passenger cruise ship in May, 2009. Th...
As a result of a year and a half long investigation by Centrelink authorities, more than 160 welfare cheats have been identiified as being involved in money laundering scams. Officials say it is likely to be co...
Only 22 years old, Peter Eastgate emerged victorious from a field of 6,844 players in this year's World Series of Poker. The tournament final table came down to the 9 players remaining after 11 days of play bac...
Mobil Travel Guide has been releasing comprehensive reviews and ratings of hotels, restaurants and spas since 1958. The process is based on a scale using hundreds of different criteria that are evaluated ea...
While destination type resort casinos have experienced a downturn in the current economy, many of the local native casinos continue to do well. At least four new tribal run casinos opened in the western states ...
Tabcorp Holdings Ltd has begun searching for a new head of casinos to replace current Chief Executive Walter Bugno. Bugno has resigned in order to pursue a new opportunity in London and will be leaving the comp...
A legal brief, opposing the closing of the Seneca Buffalo Creek Casino was filed on November4th. It contained affidavits of support for the casino from three powerful figures in Buffalo.
The casino is built ...
Since 1989, all casino licensing has come under the authority of the non-profit Guatemalan Pediatric Foundation. The Guatemalan Congressional act covering casino gambling also entitles FPG to receive a percenta...
Tales are told of ancient Romans using chariot wheels to spin during games of chance but the true shaping of the game that ended up in casinos all over the world was in France. The most likely origin is the one...
Mayor Nutter signed two bills into law in November that will rezone Center City as a commercial entertainment district. The new zoning district includes the Gallery at Market East, the shopping center that woul...
Penthouse CEO Marc Bell told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that the company is actively looking to buy a casino on the famed Las Vegas Strip. Bell told the reporter that he has talked to a number of people t...
Unfortunately, the Las Vegas Sands has suffered heavy losses recently as their stock prices have taken an incredible beating over the past year. CEO Sheldon Adelson has even injected his own personal funds ...
The Prime Minister of Jamaica has kept his promise and has brought legislation before the Parliament to legalize casino gambling on the island. It continues to be a controversial issue in the country with opp...
On Nov. 14, the Kentucky Court of Appeals blocked the Franklin Circuit Court from proceeding in the case until appellate judges can hear oral arguments and make a decision on the case. iMEGA and other trade...
The schedule has been announced by the TASER Foundation for the Fourth Annual Hold'Em for Heroes Charity Poker Tournament, to be held on the 21st and 22nd of November. The two main and separate tournaments ...