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As if Microgaming leaving the United States wasn't enough of a storm to weather as a casino affiliate, there is now another growing upheaval in the gambling affiliate world that is causing a big stink. This ti...
Five states had gambling issues on their state ballots this year: Missouri, Colorado, Maryland, Maine and Ohio. Voters in the first three states passed their proposals while the last two rejected theirs.
A five hour hearing has seen a City Council committee vote unanimously in support of a zoning change, that may allow Foxwoods Casino to build a slots parlor in the Center City. Currently located in South Ph...
Terry Lanni, both chairman and chief executive of MGM Mirage, announced his retirement in the middle of November to become effective at the end of the month. He cited both “family requirements” and how long he ...
One lucky Toronto resident got the Halloween treat of his life when he hit a $4.7 million dollar jackpot on a slot machine at Woodbine Racetrack Casino on October 30. Slots winners can keep their identity p...
The Federal Reserve Board and Department of the Treasury have released a joint final rule to implement the UIGEA which has languished since 2006 due to the ambiguity of the original law. The rule will requi...
Dream Team Poker has come up with a unique team scoring system and have already applied for a patent. The concept will be unveiled to industry insiders next month at the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas. If it goe...
Leaders of poker rooms from around the globe, both online and off, met Wednesday in Budapest, Hungary for the World Poker Congress. The two day conference featured several topics with this year's strongest focu...
Clubs Victoria has filed a statement of claim alleging that Tabcorp offered a $20 million dollar inducement for them to not pursue changing Victoria's gaming license structure as well as not participating in an...
The organization announced the revised rating for Isle of Capri Casinos (ISLE) from Positive to Neutral on October 10. The company owns, operates and develops gaming, lodging and entertainment facilities region...
The Gold Coast Titans is an Australian rugby club that has partnered with Betezy to form a controversial new betting agency. The Titans said that the revenue from the new venture will help to fund the club and ...
Atlantic City had approved a smoking ban back in April which had went into effect on October 15. The regulation had provided for casinos to be able to set up separate smoking lounges away from the slot machines...
The third leg of the SkyPoker UK Tour will arrive in Edinburgh on January 31, 2009. After the Nottingham and Birmingham legs were a huge success with the Birmingham leg selling out a month beforehand and the Ed...
The country of Rwanda was all set to see the country's first casino open on October 21 but the opening has been delayed by unforeseen delays. According to insiders, there is unfinished work at the building wher...
Now that PokerStars has begun it's own LAPT, Vega Promotional Systems Inc. has decided to take their poker tour in a different direction to avoid confusion as well as expand into new markets. Accordingly, they ...