World Casino News covers Macau. The world's richest gambling center generates important news on a daily basis and we give it due coverage. We let you know when the moguls who compete for empire there make a move and we follow their finances through boom times and declines as the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DJIC) reshapes the mecca from strictly a gambling center into a family playground for the world with mandated integrated resort amenities.
We let you know about casino project updates, openings, and closings as well as economy and finance, top brass career changes, and licensing issues to name a few of the topics covered. World Casino News works in harmony with the World Casino Directory so the Macau information you find there is always up to date and accurate. The directory profiles every casino in Macau from the baccarat tables to the hotels and amenities right down to the price range of dining. Our readers can explore the former Portuguese enclave from the comfort of their homes, or plan a trip and book their rooms.
In Macau, a prominent government official has reportedly declared that she is expecting the number of tourists visiting the former Portuguese enclave over the course of the next seven days to rise by up to 9% y...
Las Vegas Sands Corporation has released its unaudited financial results for 2018 showing that it experienced a 7.8% increase year-on-year in net revenues to $13.729 billion alongside an associated 8% rise in c...
Some of the top stakeholders in Macau casino operator SJM Holdings Limited and its Sociedade de Turismo e Diversoes de Macau SA (STDM) parent have reportedly inked an accord designed help clarify the long-term ...
In Macau, a prominent government official has reportedly declared that she is expecting the number of tourists visiting the former Portuguese enclave over the course of 2019 to increase by up to 6% year-on-year...
Investors in Macau’s casino industry have reportedly been warned to expect gaming revenues to contract by low single digits this year due to the impacts of a cooling Chinese economy alongside that nation’s ongo...
Developer, owner and operator of casino gaming and entertainment casino resort facilities in Asia, Melco Resorts and Entertainment Limited, (NASDAQ: MLCO), was, at the beginning of January, reportedly granted s...
Integrated resort developer and operator in Macau, Sands China Ltd (1928:Hong Kong), has reportedly paid all of its eligible employees a discretionary bonus, the equivalent to a month's wages, according to the ...
Asian casino giant Wynn Macau Limited has reportedly declared that it will be rewarding eligible employees at its Wynn Palace Cotai and Wynn Macau integrated casino resorts with a ‘winter bonus’ set to be equiv...
In Macau, a slowing economy alongside the prospects of a heightened trade war between the United States and China could reportedly lead to significant challenges for the three foreign gambling firms that operat...
Lower than anticipated takings from the over 30 casinos in Macau during the first week of 2019 has reportedly prompted brokerage firm, Sanford C Bernstein and Company, to forecast that January’s upcoming aggreg...
Asian casino operator, Melco Resorts and Entertainment Limited, has announced the signing of a deal that will see it partner with a local sustainable energy generation firm in order to launch Macau’s largest so...
In Macau, new rules have reportedly come into force that prohibit patrons from smoking tobacco anywhere on a casino floor except in designated airtight ‘lounges’ that must be approved by authorities in line wit...
The past twelve months have reportedly seen the aggregated value of stocks in the majority of Las Vegas-based gaming firms decline by over 30% year-on-year as investors wrestled with fears of a looming recessio...
The government for Macau has reportedly announced that the amount of tax it collected directly from gaming operations for the first eleven months of 2018 rose by some 14.1% year-on-year to reach almost $12.13 b...
In Macau, the 33-member Legislative Assembly reportedly ratified a measure earlier today that is to prohibit approximately 54,000 casino employees from setting foot on a gaming floor outside of working hours.